Have you ever thought about what you do at home as your regular oral hygiene routine?
You’re always encouraged to brush two times a day, floss once a day, and incorporate a daily alcohol free mouth rinse. What seems to be missed is your tongue!
Here are a few reasons that tongue cleaning with a tongue scraper is a GREAT idea:
- Contributes to halitosis (bad breath): Given that most bad breath comes from the bacteria at the back of the tongue (an area that's difficult to reach with a toothbrush), studies have shown that tongue scraping significantly reduces and removes oral bacteria from the crevices of all areas on the tongue when used correctly.
- Boost your immunity: The tongue is part of the first line of defense in your immune system. Scraping your tongue prevents toxins from being reabsorbed into your body and boosts overall immune function.
- Helps with general oral and dental health: This oral hygiene practice promotes general tooth and gum health and removes bacteria and toxins responsible for periodontal problems, plaque build-up, tooth decay, loss of teeth, gum infections.