Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Kids Corner......

For February try this simple craft with your kids it make a fun decoration or gift for Valentine’s day!

You will need:

  • Coat hanger or metal heart shaped cookie cutter
  • Wire cutters and pliers
  • Wool
Step 1
Help your child cut the hook part off the coat hanger then shape it like a heart as shown:

If your child is small or you’d rather avoid this step you can alternatively use metal heart shaped cookie cutters for a similar effect.

Step 2 Tie your choice of wool to the frame and start to wrap it around the frame to make a pattern

Use the tail to make a hanger so you can hang your heart up and enjoy or give as a gift!

  1. Wrap the string or pipe cleaner around the large base of the pinecone, making sure to leave extra to hang the pinecone by.
  2. Rub the peanut butter all over the pine cone.
  3. Place the bird seed into a bowl and then roll the peanut butter coated pine cone in the bird seed until covered.
  4. Hang the pine cone from your favorite tree in your yard.
  5. Enjoy watching all the different birds you will attract!


Kim Thompson
Practice Manager

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What's New at the Office...

What's New at the Office......

February is Heart Health Month! Here are some tips to keep your heart healthy

  1. Quit smoking now. Twelve months after quitting, your increased risk of dying from heart disease will be half that of a continuing smoker.
  2. Improve your diet. Include wholegrain cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts in your diet and lower your risk of heart disease.
  3. Exercise regularly. Walk briskly for 30 minutes a day and reduce your risk of heart attack by one third.
  4. Maintain your friendships. People with supportive friendship networks are at less risk of heart disease.
  5. Eat more fish. Oily fish like tuna, sardines or salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and will boost your good cholesterol.
  6. Switch your chocolate choice. Switch from milk chocolate to dark chocolate. When eaten in moderation, dark chocolate is good for your heart.
  7. Limit your alcohol. It is recommended you limit yourself to no more than two standard glasses of alcohol a day if you are a man, or one glass a day if you are a woman.
  8. Avoid salty and high sodium foods. Don’t add salt when preparing or eating your meals.
  9. Have a diabetes test. Uncontrolled diabetes can damage your artery walls and contribute to heart disease.
  10. Make fitness fun. Choose activities that combine exercise and socialising like pilates, water aerobics, dancing, cycling or yoga.

Kim Thompson
Practice Manager

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A Message From Your Hygienists

Link Between Oral Health and Heart Health

Oral health is important for your overall health! Many people are living with gum disease and don't even know it! Often patients feel fine as gum disease is not painful and they avoid going to the dentist.

Today, I am going to discuss how your oral health can affect your heart health.

Studies have found people with gum disease in moderate to advanced stages are at a greater risk for heart disease than someone with healthy gums. The spread of bacteria is what links oral health and heart disease. The bacteria in your mouth travels from your mouth to other parts of your body through the blood stream. When the bacteria from your mouth travels through the blood stream it attaches to areas of the heart causing inflammation. Endocarditis is an infection of the inner lining of the heart, this can occur from the bacteria in your mouth traveling to the heart.

People with chronic gingivitis and periodontal disease (gum disease) have a high risk for heart disease caused from poor oral health. Especially if the oral health condition is unmanaged.
What to look for in your mouth to help determine if you have gum disease:
  • Red, swollen gums.
  • Your gums bleed when you brush, floss or eat.
  • You see pus around the gums and teeth.
  • Your gums look like they are pulling away from your teeth.
  • You experience a bad taste or odour in your mouth.
  • Your experiencing loose teeth or feel like spaces are opening between your teeth.
How to prevent gum disease that is related to heart health:
  • Brush your teeth two times a day for two minutes each time.
  • Floss daily!
  • Drink plenty or water. (6 to 8 glasses a day)
  • Visit your dental hygienist regularly for a professional cleaning (every 3 to 6 months)

Kristine Lundy

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A Message From Dr. Ian Gray

Originally, implants were exclusively utilized to help secure a denture. In the last 20 years, implants have been used to replace an individual missing tooth. Implants function like your natural teeth allowing you to chew normally. They also look and feel very natural. In general implant treatment is 90-95% successful.

The first requirement for implant treatment is a CBCT. (CBCT is a 3 dimensional x-ray). The CBCT allows us to see the bone volume present. Think of an implant like a titanium drywall plug. There needs to be adequate height and width of bone for the implant to be placed. If the CBCT indicates there is not enough bone for implant placement, then there are ways to increase the bone.

Prior to implant placement, a surgical guide is fabricated. This guide is made from the CBCT and merged with an impression of the area. The guide then gives us the ideal position to place the implant at the time of surgery.

If there is a tooth to be extracted first, then there are 2 treatments options. First option is extract the tooth and possibly the bone. Then 3months waiting time is required, before implant placement. The bone from the extracted site must heal before implant placement.

Second option is to extract the tooth and place the implant immediately. This immediate placement used to be considered likely, but know it is done routinely in the right circumstances. Immediate implants are just as successful as the 1st method now. We always evaluate if immediate placement is a viable option. The advantages to immediate implant placement is only one surgery is involved and there is less waiting time.

At the time of implant placement, there is a healing collar (which holds the tissue away from the implant and is an ideal shape) sticking through the gums. The implant requires approximately 3 months to fully integrating to the bone. After three months the implant is tested for stability. While you are waiting for the implant to fully integrate, a temporary prosthesis can be fabricated for cosmetically reasons. Once the implant is fully integrated a post/crown can be inserted. The final insertion requires no freezing. The implant then functions like any of your natural teeth.

Dr. Ian Gray