Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Kids Corner: Ways To Keep Cool

As the temperature rises across Canada again, we're looking for some of the best ideas to help you keep cool. Extensive exposure to heat can lead to heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. These tips and tricks are inspired by kids for kids - or for the kid in you - to help you keep your cool!
  1. Enjoy extra icy treats. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! There is no tastier way to keep cool than enjoying cool summer treats like popsicles, ice cream, and freezies. The fluids will help rehydrate your body which will also help cool you down.
  2. Visit local splash pads or pools. If your neighborhood has a pool, splash pad, or water park you can visit it to help cool off in the water for a little bit. Remember to avoid spending lots of time outside in the middle of the day as this is when the sun is the hottest! Check out this link to find local spots.
  3. Look cool, be cool. A hat and sunglasses will not only help keep you cool, but it will also help keep you looking cool on hot days! Who says keeping safe in the heat has to be boring?
  4. Drink lots of water. You can't survive on popsicles all day, so remember to drinks lots of water to help cool you down.
  5. Hang out in the shade. Finding a shady spot under some trees is a great way to enjoy being outside while also keeping your cool. Since trees are alive, they try to keep cool just like we do - which means that they are always cooling themselves down. That's why the shade from a tree is cooler than the shade from a building!
Looking for local places to take the kids? Check out:

Brooks Farms in Mount Albert

Newmarket Library has great programs for kids.

Check out local deals here.

Kim Thompson
Practice Manager

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